

Lack of people’s awareness failure by some as moral agents. Innocence is the nature of each, is the health of soul. There is more than innocence in the world if people they felt themselves responsible for all that,  for no fault. Innocence can also imply lesser experience in either a relative view to social peers, or by an absolute comparison to a more common normative scale.

Innocence of childhood

They natural beauty? Their innate humor? Their opening to be loved and to love? Besides all this, the children are beautiful because they have something that we have lost, the quality of innocence. Innocence is mysterious function of fiction, is deeper than the ignorance. A child may be innocent because there sees the tough intention on what they’ve looking. Also children are born innocent. They want only to be loved, to learn, and to contribute.


What is zine?

Its like a magazine, however the main difference between a magazine and a zine is that the zine is usually made out of the interest and passion. When referring to a non-electronic version, a zine is a custom made magazine, book, or other paper document. Often published by the author / artist. Made by gluing and the photocopied. Zines are difficult to pin down.


Examples for zine

The archives  by: Claudio Pogo


A little company start business in Berlin ‘believes in a future printed on paper.’ Published in August, his ‘Archives’ series. Will construct a visual narrative reminiscent of a past which juxtaposes the story with the story.

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Kelli Miler and Kendra Eash create an impressive, funny and realistic and real photo of the season of communication the web.

How to make a zine

  1. Find a couple sheets of standar paper 21×29.7 (A4)
  2.  Fold in half and number the pages
  3. Write and draw whatever you feel like associates with the images.
  4. Master copies are ready for reproduction.
  5. Sneak in to an office building






This zine is from Dash Snow, took this copy just before he died the Dash costs 100 dollars. It does not make me a number of impression.


This zine via Photocopy club, is working mostly in color and seemed fun to bring the black and white form. It is something that I have not seen before. I like the pink color which has given the picture.


His picture always surprise. He always has the best zines and captures beautiful moments and are always right. The colors in the picture that you can see have made an impression to me and the way they fix it.


One really beautiful picture, it takes you straight to the point where she doesn’t wear any clothes. I don’t know what he wants to show with that. One woman that seems to be free inside and outside.


After about a half year of Amy’s death, Valerie Philips did this zine in memory of her. It shows how she can take a picture of a city and making it beautiful and to make someone feel comfortable in front of the camera.

 Quotes about Innocence

Anne Frank “Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths, but the final forming of a person’s character lies in their own hands.”
― Anne Frank

Patrick Rothfuss “When we are children we seldom think of the future. This innocence leaves us free to enjoy ourselves as few adults can. The day we fret about the future is the day we leave our childhood behind.»
― Patric Rothfuss, The name of the Wind

Pablo Picasso “It takes a very long time to become young.”
― Pablo Picasso

Ernest Hemingway “All things truly wicked start from innocence.”
― Ernest Hemingway

Natural light Photography Cinematography

I made a research and found this page that is manage by two photographers, Stelios and Giannis. They are photographers who capture pictures using natural light and their purpose is to capture our «history» with the most exciting way. They give to families beautiful pictures, that give joy for many years.

There is an album in this page, that is called «Newborn», where I found some of the photographs that are related with my theme.
The fifth photo:
Τhis is my picture like most of all, it is a truly harmonious picture. Your smacks of innocence of the child. The contrast of black white photo to my loved and looked quite the details of the personnel.


How to shoot portraits with natural light
Its important to test the quality of the light at your shoots. The way you use the light and shade to your benefit is critical.  A soft light helps to avoid the opposition and the hard shadows that fall on the face. Also important is to use the right lens and the correct settings. I would use natural light because most of the time the baby is outside in nature or in the house. I would not be able to take it to a studio because it would have not stayed still, it would be hard to cooperate at the photoshoot because of the age.


Seamus Ryan

  • Photo child by Seamus Ryan showing an innocence through laughter, I like a background behind, the whole scene gives a balance, the colors are very beautiful, and I like that the face is so bright shows the joy of the child. The colors are accordingly dark and could be brighter.



Ashley McNamara

  • Photo from Ashley, a beautiful photo that shows a baby in a nice pose and There is a balance in photo. I like the colors are bright, the colors of the cap are beautiful and there catch light in the eyes.




Carrie Sandoval

  • Photo by Carrie, through this photo shows the innocence of the child from the way you sleep.  Do focus on the child’s body and in the face of the dog, behind is blurry. The dog that falling on the baby  shows a tenderness.




  • I love this image because of the pose the baby took where he is hanging out his tongue. I took a similar one and used it in this project. There is rule of thirds.  It is focused on the baby face while the background isn’t. You can see through his eyes that the light was ambient.



  • I like the facial expression and the pose the baby has. The lights are so bright, natural and her eyes have an amazing color. You can see through his eyes that the light was ambient. The focus is on the face and the background is blurry.




  • I like this photo because of the beautiful colors, the eyes are edited. I did the rule of thirds and there is balance. I don’t like the black background. The picture is cropped right because is cropped in the forehead of the baby.





